THE 11
Issue: 5
June 2016
In your hands you hold the Fifth issue of the school magazine "The Originals
11". Our magazine will be published two times a year and we hope you will always enjoy
reading it. In the Fifth issue you are going to read about the most important news from our
school. This section is called "Our schooland we hope it won't be the only part you'll
enjoy. One of the most interesting events which happened at our school this year was our
celebration of the 400th anniversary of the death of one of the greatest English writers,
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. The considerable part of this issue will be devoted to William
Shakespeare and his life and work. This part will be followed by the SHORT STORIES”
written by our pupils who may aspire to be famous writers in the future.
For more information about our school you can look forward to articles such as “Save
a Tree, dopt an nimal”. Do not forget to also read serialized comic strip "Nerd in
London”. It may be the last episode because our author Erik Daško is in the 9th form and
is leaving our school this year. We wish him good luck at high school and we thank him for
such a valuable work he did for our magazine!
You can also read some of the “Best School Memories” of pupils from 9th
form, who are leaving our school this year.
We hope you will enjoy this issue and that you will also join us to create and improve
the following parts of our magazine. We need all of you, your help, advice and support.
Your editing team
William -
Who was it?
He was probably the greatest dramatist of England. He lived and worked in the 16th century
in the period of the Renaissance.
The Birth
Shakespeare was born on 23 April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. He was born at Henley
Street and was one of eight children of Mary Arden and John Shakespeare. John
Shakespeare was a successful tradesmen working with leather. He also sold wool and barley,
important products in the England of those times. His father was a respected man who took
part in civic life.
Shakespeare´s birthplace
The Schoolboy
William Shakespeare went to the local grammar school in Stratford. The „grammar“schools
were the most common form of education, and they were free. He would also have learnt
the Catechism and studied the Bible. Although he was brought up with these orthodox
Protestant teachings, he managed to remain open-minded and a free-thinker. The Bible was
a constant source of inspiration to him.
In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway from Shottery. He was only eighteen, Ann was eight
years older.
They had three children together - Susanna and the twins - Hamnet and Judith. In spite of
his love for his family, he went to London in 1587 as it was only there that a man with his
talents could get ahead and make a career for himself.
Shakespeare’s life in London can be traced from 1592 onwards, first as an actor, then as a
reviser and writer of plays. The theatres were very popular being the only places where
people could hear honest
comments about life.
The Globe
Shakespeare and his fellow
players were lucky enough to be
able to win the patronage of the
Lord Chamberlain, and the
company came to be called the
Lord Chamberlain’s Men.
Shakespeare is connected with
the Globe Theatre.
When Shakespeare was working
in London, he did not leave his family for good. He would often return home to Stratford
enjoying the Pleasures of family life. His plays may well have been popular with Queen
Elizabeth I, who loved music and drama. When James I came to the throne after
Elizabeth’s death, he recognized Shakespeare’s company as the leading group of actors and
from then on they were known as the King’s Men. In those times Shakespeare made enough
money to build a comfortable life.
He died on the same day as he was born. He was exactly 52 years old. He is buried at local
Trinity Church, where he had been christened.
Shakespeare wrote: 37 plays and beautiful sonnets,
comedies, history plays and tragedies:
Comedies: Comedy of Errors, A Midsummer-
Night’s Dream, Much Ado about Nothing, As you
like it e.g.
History plays: Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI,
Richard III Julius Caesar
Tragedies: Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet,
King Lear, Othello.
Romeo and Juliet (film
William Shakespeare Projects
Because of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare´s death (1616) our English teachers
organized a series of lessons devoted to him. During the lessons pupils found out a lot of
about Shakespeare, his life and work. They were also asked to prepare their own projects
devoted to this great writer. “The Originals 11” brings you the best of them.
On the following pages you will have a chance to read exclusive stories written by our young
authors, who may aspire to be writers just like Shakespeare was. Enjoy!!!
Selfish Alien
Once there was a little alien girl. Her name was Mary and she lived on the planet -
Mantophill. She decided to go to the beach to celebrate Christmas with her best friend
Godzilla. Godzilla was very fat because she ate all the time. They met in the deep forest and
they brought presents with them. Mary had a little box wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper
for Godzilla (it was a beautiful orange from the Golden Garden) and Godzilla had a very big
basket and even larger box for Mary.
They came to the beach and they sat on the sand. They built the Christmas tree from
sand. Mary gave the present to Godzilla but Godzilla didn´t give the present to Mary because
she liked the present as well and she wanted to keep it for herself. It was a little lamp with a
colour light. Mary was sad but she decided to ask the Godzilla to play football with her.
Godzilla declined because she was hungry. She opened her basket with 524 hamburgers and
she started eating them. Mary decided to go for a swim and when she came back, Godzilla
has just eaten her 347th hamburger.
They sat there for 2 hours. Later Mary asked Godzilla: „I would like a hamburger too, I
am very hungry. “ But Godzilla was selfish and she said: „ No, the hamburgers are only for
me. “
When Godzilla ate her last hamburger, they went home. But it was dark, so they got
lost in the forest. They didn´t know where they were. They went and went and they came to
an old house. In the house there was a train, but only for one person. Godzilla wanted to go
to the train, but she ate a lot of hamburgers and she was now very big. She couldn´t pass
through the door. Mary didn´t leave her alone. They went on together. After 3 hours they
came to their house.
There were their parents in the house
and they were very frightened. Mary
and Godzilla told their story and
Godzilla’s parents were angry because
Godzilla was selfish.
Barbora damcová,
The Honest Explorer
In summer 2015 in Australia, there was one honest explorer named Luke. Luke had a
penguin called Ash with whom he loved to travel. One day Luke thought that it would be
nice to visit the Czech Republic. So Luke and Ash went to pack their suitcases. After that they
went to the airport and flew to the Czech Republic. When they were in the Czech Republic
Ash thought that they could visit some small city and Luke decided to visit Frýdek-Místek.
They stayed in Frýdek-Místek for one week and they liked it there so they decided to stay
longer. Luke even found job there.
One day it was dark outside and Luke and Ash went for a walk. Suddenly they found
some abandoned green school
and they decided to break in.
They walked pass the chemistry
lab and they thought that they
could make some potion for
better learning. They checked
the door and because it was
open, they came in and started
to work on the potion. Ash
sometimes fell on the floor but it
did not matter.
When they had their
potion done, they decided to try
it. So Luke tried the potion and
he read some text but he didn’t
remember it. They tried it again
but it started to bubble and reek.
Luke and Ash thought that the potion could explode so they ran away. Later they came back
and they decided to try it once again. After they tried it for the third time the potion was
finally done. Luke drunk it and read text and this time he remembered everything and Luke
and Ash were very happy. Next day morning they went to make the patent. In the green
school they hired Luke as
Chemistry teacher and he did
enough potion for all the kids
studying there.
Tereza Kubalová, 7.B
Cottage in mountains
Hi, my name is Sara, Sara with no H! I and my
family went to our cottage in mountains on Sunday. Oh
yes and actually I’m fairy, I have got wings and all things
fairies have, I can do magic, I can fly͙I can hide my wings
with spell and many other things. I hate that because it is
not comfortable.
But let´s come back to our trip to the mountains.
We arrived there and because I’m very courageous I
decided to go higher. I used my wings to get faster to the
top of the mountain. When I got there it was almost
midnight. I looked around and when I decided to go
home I saw a person who was looking directly into the
full moon. Suddenly he grew a thick dark fur that tore his clothes. His nails grew into claws,
his nose stretched in the muzzle, painful screams turned into howling and then I realized͙.
Yes it was WEREWOLF.
I started to fly as fast as I could but it seemed that his howl started to summon more
and more werewolves. I didn’t know where to fly because I was in the forest on the
mountain. Then I saw it, a lake at the very top of the mountain. I jumped into it, my wings
disappeared and my fish tail showed. I survived the night in the lake, and then I went back to
the cottage. My mum started to shout at me and she reminded me that I was not allowed to
walk to the top of the mountain and spend the night there. And then I woke up?!?! Was it
just a dream? But wait? I was all wet and when I pulled down my blanket I saw a big fish tail
where my legs should be. But then I woke up again?!?! WOW it was all only a dream in
another dream. The next day I told everybody about my experience.
Jiří Mokrýš, 7.B
Surfer Roland
One day in spring Roland went surfing to
prepare for races in the summer.
Unexpectedly he fell from his surfboard and sunk
underwater. He saw a beautiful stone there and he
wanted to take it home with him. He touched it and
suddenly he saw houses everywhere. He could
breathe underwater and he noticed that time
passed slower. He saw mermaids as well. He was in shock and he could not believe his eyes.
One mermaid swam up to him and greeted him. The mermaid told him that he must go and
visit their princess named Rexha. She was the princess of the whole undersea empire. Thus,
he swam with the mermaid to see the princess. They introduced themselves: “Hi, I'm Mira
and you?”
“Hi, I’m Roland, where am I?”
“This is Country of Seven Shells. You became a
merman because you touched the magical stone.”
“Well, thank you.” said Roland.
The moment he saw the princess he fell in love with her and she fell in love with him.
He came up to her and confessed his love to her. The princess was happy that her love was
reciprocated and started to prepare the wedding which had to be next day. Roland swam to
the beach to say goodbye to the human life and accidentally touched thes magic stone.
Suddenly he was again sitting on his surfboard and he started to cry. After he came
home everyone asked him if he got lost because he was gone for a long time. He was very
secretive and did not say anything. So they let it be, and Roland was very sad that he would
never see Rexha. Rexha was very sad too because she knew she would never meet Roland
Sabina Čubová, 7.B
My school memories
On the next pages you may read about the best memories of
pupils from 9th form who are leaving our school and would like to
say their goodbye with these articles.
Biology Olympiad
About a week ago we got homework in one of our English lessons. We were
supposed to write one experience out of the nine years we spent in primary school. I
thought you what I should write about for a long time. I considered many important
moments, for example our stay in London but I thought that most of my classmates would
write about it. That is why I chose Biology Olympiad as my topic.
In the seventh form I had an opportunity to enrol in Biology Olympiad and because I
go into everything headlong and I like Biology I decided to participate in this competition. I
learnt the study text for a school round. Because this text had about eighty pages it took me
a few hours. School round had three parts - theoretical, practical and cognitive part. I
managed to finish in third place. For the next round, this time among students from our
town, I had to prepare input task. I have chosen topic „Crown jewels“as my topic. I ended up
in eighth place. There were twenty-six participants altogether.
Last school year I decided to compete again. In school round I ended up in first place
and the second round I managed to finish in sixth place. This time the topic of my input task
was called „Memorial Trees“.
This year the Biology Olympiad dealt with the topic „Life in the Dark“. This year was a
very successful one for me. I ended the second round in fourth place and managed to
secure a spot in the competition among students on a high school level. It was very difficult.
For example in the practical
part we had to work with a
dead cricket - we had to
cut one of its limbs as well
as its wing.
I am very proud of
myself for how well I did in
the Olympiad this year. I
only needed several more
points to get to the next
Petra Thérová, 9.C
My greatest experience
In English, we were tasked to write about our best experience in those nine years we
are at the school. I can´t name just one because we had so many good moments. I enjoyed,
for example, when we were in Odra on a trip, where we kept throwing gummy bears and we
laughed at how Nikča´s shoes squeaked when she went for tea. Or when we were on the ski
training, where I shared one room with Sabča, Terka, Klára and Žanda and the fun we had
was absolutely the best. nother great experience was when we went to Lysá Hora on the
Earth Day. Me and Nikča were chatting and laughing the whole time and we were so slow
that we were on the top of Lysá half an hour later than the others. This way I would like to
thank our teachers as well as my friends Nikča H., Sabča K., Terka K., Klára T., Evča CH. and
Žanda Z. for the wonderful memories and moments I shared with them at our school.
Jolana Fukalová
My experience
I can't exactly say which experience was the best for me so I'll write about my recent
experience in planetarium which I liked. I chose this experience because I like the universe.
We arrived to the new planetarium by bus. The hall has been renovated as well as the
observatory. It looked wonderful. The walls by the entrance were decorated by the planets.
My classmates took some photos of it. :D
We had to wait outside because there was another group inside. Later we went in.
There were interactive exhibits and so many new things. But my breath was taken away
when we entered the projection hall. “Wow," I said. There was a purple backlight. It’s one of
my favourite colours.
After a short projection of the constellations they played a wonderful movie called
Graceful Ride through the Solar system. It was like a beautiful dream. I felt like I flew through
the universe. We were able to closely explore the planets of our solar system including
comet and the life on it. I was excited the whole time. The universe is wonderful. Never in
the past had I seen universe so closely.
It´s just a pity that the chairs were not very comfortable otherwise it would be even
better experience. After this short film we had a rest. They had a new shop with beautiful
3D photographs and other things like this in the planetarium shop.
At the end we quickly went to see the new exhibits such as vortex or electric ball.
It was a great trip and I would definitely recommend it to other people. It's worth it!
Maderičová Hana, 9.C
Gymnastic competition 2016
I travelled with my team to the Czech Republic Championship in gymnastics in
Prague on April 8th. Our task was to defend 12th title of the country champions.
We went to Prague by train from Ostrava. The journey took us 4 hours. However we were
not bored in train because we had a lot of fun thanks to our coach.
After arriving in Prague we had to take the tram to Strahov stadium and we had to
go to a sports hall. Our accommodation was not far away. When we came into the sports
hall we started to warm up. After that we returned to the hostel and went to bed early
because we needed to sleep a lot.
In the morning we were very nervous. We began the competition with the exercises
on the floor. I got the highest marks from the three of us. Then we went to the vault. For my
jump I got 9.8 out of 10 which was totally awesome. I got such high points because I trained
very hard. The last discipline was the trapeze. For the results we have waited for an hour. I
could not I believe my
ears when they said
my name and they
said that I became a
champion. It was the
first time I took the
cup. I have to thank
my trainer Petra
Tobias for her support
and patience.
Veronika Papalová,
Plant a Tree and
Adopt an Animal
It has now been 14 years since our school joined the
project: Plant a Tree and Adopt an Animal. The goal
of this project is to collect and recycle paper and
various products made of paper. The money we earn
is sent to Ostrava ZOO where it is used for our
adopted bear called Olina. Every year the class which
collects the most kilos of paper goes for a trip to the
ZOO to visit the bear. So far we have collected 132
tons of paper. “The Originals 11” brings you the
exclusive photos of the Bear and of our trips to the
Nerd in London